Monday, September 22, 2008


so... right now my shoulders are up around my ears. I right now, at this moment, feel pulled in several directions. I have obligations at church, I am getting a new student tomorrow, I am training a brand new special ed teacher, my fellow co-worker wanted to leave early but I had so much to prep for the new comer, and couldn't leave without doing some stuff around my class and now that I'm home I just spent an hour checking responding to emails, both work and personal. (work because I didn't even get a lunch break, I ate while working with kids let alone have time for email).

I could use a massage right now, but I know I have to wait two more weeks.

So...I am dealing with a lot of different needs of a lot of different people all at the same time. Everything converges at the same time.

Isn't that the way it always works. that I have vomited my yuck maybe I can relax.


Blogger ashby said...

sigh. I hear ya, friend. it does seem that things converge at the same time- AND that everyone's everything converges and we're all overwhelmed together.

and my yoga teachers and pilates instructors ALWAYS call me on the shoulders-up-to-my-ears thing.

12:06 AM  
Blogger ashby said...

and...why did I hit send if I'm not done?

I wanted to say this: I love you and appreciate that you host book club, because I think it is life giving to all of us, and I wish you and I spent more time together, and I'm sorry you're stressed out.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Miss Burke said...

Oh ashby, i appreciate your kind words and encouragement. I decided that I too need to be around life giving friends. The psychologist at work always says to my class that if you aren't fun to be around you won't have any friends. So i am trying to be fun to be around and cut out the people in my life that aren't fun to be around. It's necessary for my survival as a spiritual, emotional and psychological being.

9:19 PM  

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