Monday, September 08, 2008

My Crazy Key Losing Day!!!


I am a

(cringe) retard!

I lost my keys at work. I stayed until 7 pm looking for them. Called a friend to help me look. Had three people offer to drive me( 45 mins) home to Beaverton from St. Helens.

I had to have my brother go to my house and unlock it and ask a co-worker to pick me up tomorrow and drive me to st. Helens.

seriously this is not how I wanted to start out my second week of school.

Pray it gets better....tomorrow I get a new kiddo at school and he needs some pretty intensive intervention. Needless to say I think it is going to be a pretty rough day.

I also plan on play a game with the kids called "huckle buckle find Miss Burke' keys" where the children will get paid money if they find them.

Maybe one of the kids took home my keys? Stranger things have happened. Stay tuned friend, stay tuned!

and a shout out to Drewie, did you notice the global warmings today? I sure did!


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