I am reading this in a book called "hinds feet in high places" and this passage as well as countless others has stuck out to me:
"Then my Lord, what was the plant which the priest tore out of my heart when I was bound to the altar?"
" do you remember, Grace and Glory, when you looked into your heart beside the pool, and found that my kid of love was not there at all--only the plant of Longing-to-be-loved?"
She nodded wonderingly.
"That was the natural human love which I tore out from your heart when the time was ripe and it was loose enough to be uprooted altogeher so that the real Love could grow theree alone and fill your whole heart."
This really resonates with me right now. I feel I too, must lay Longing-to-be-loved on the altar of sacrafice so that I can fully embrace God's very real, unfailing love.