Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Virginal Blogger

Well it's offical I'm a teacher. Well qusi-teacher...I am interning in September at Lewis and Clark elementary school in St. Helens. Basically I'm the teacher and have a mentor who comes in weekly to anwser questions. My class is a mixed grade class of 3, 4, and 5 graders. The class is a behaviorl intervention class and most of the kids are classified as emotionally desturbed. That bachelors in psych will come in handy.
Right now I'm in it deep, school that is. I'm in Pacific University's Intern Special Education program. Class run all summer 8am to 4pm with one hour break. Each class is 3 hrs long. One teacher is absolutely a nut job. She sets the room up fung sheui (spelling is atrocious I know) and rings a bowl at the beginning of the class so that we can do our deep breathing and mindfulness excercises. It takes everything in me to keep it together in that class. Most of us lose all decorum and laugh openly. I partially chalk the laughter up to all the stress and lack of sleep.
It's fourth of July weekend and so far I've gone to the blues festival at Tom McCall waterfront park, watched blade trinity at a friends house, been to a wedding and read only one chapter of my copious amounts of homework. Not doing so hot on the studying thing this weekend. Tomorrow I have wakeboarding on the agenda as well as heading up to washington for the civil war re-inactment that's going on. So my only hope for my studies is Monday morning, cuz the rest of the day I'm going to be eating hot dogs and sippn' on a Mikes and playing frisbee.
All have a safe and fun 4th!!!


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